Mouse IgG (H&L) Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated, ALP, Gallus, Polyclonal

Artikelnummer: ROC-610-9502
Artikelname: Mouse IgG (H&L) Antibody Alkaline Phosphatase Conjugated, ALP, Gallus, Polyclonal
Artikelnummer: ROC-610-9502
Hersteller Artikelnummer: 610-9502
Alternativnummer: ROC-610-9502
Hersteller: Rockland Immunochemicals
Wirt: Gallus
Kategorie: Antikörper
Applikation: ELISA
Spezies Reaktivität: Mouse
Immunogen: Mouse IgG whole molecule
Konjugation: ALP
Alternative Synonym: chicken anti-Mouse IgG alkaline phosphatase Conjugated Antibody, chicken anti-Mouse IgG Antibody Alk phos Conjugation
Klonalität: Polyclonal
Konzentration: 1 mg/mL by UV absorbance at 280 nm
Puffer: 0.05 M Tris Chloride, 0.15M Sodium Chloride, 0.001M Magnesium Chloride, 0.0001M Zinc Chloride, 50% (v/v) Glycerol, pH 8.0
Formulierung: Liquid (sterile filtered)
Target-Kategorie: Mouse
Antibody Type: Secondary Antibody
Application Verdünnung: ELISA: 1:2,000 - 1:10,000, IHC: 1:200 - 1:1,000, WB: 1:500 - 1:2,500
Anwendungsbeschreibung: Anti-Mouse IgG Alkaline Phosphatase Antibody has been tested by ELISA and is suitable for immunoblotting (western or dot blot), ELISA, immunoelectron microscopy and immunohistochemistry as well as other antibody-based enzymatic assays requiring lot-to-lo