Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in infants and
children under 1 year old. The disease often begins with fever, nasal ow, cough and wheezing. Severe
diseases of the lower respiratory tract can occur at all ages, particularly in old people or people whose
immunitary, pulmonary or cardiac system is def cient. RSV is transmitted by respiratory secretions, by
narrow contact with infected people, or by contact with contamined objects. RSVTOP® is a rapid
immunochromatographic test allowing the qualitative detection of the RSV antigens common to A & B groups,
nasal swabs, nasal wash or nasal aspirate samples.
Fast - Results in 10 minutes Reliable - High performances * • Specifi city : Influenza A 96% - Influenza B 99% • Sensitivity : Influenza A 100% - Infl uenza B 78% * compared to another commercial test (refer to instructions for use for more information). - Identification of Infl uenza type A(subtypes A/H1N1, A/H3N2 and A/H5N1) and type B Convenient - Easy handling from nasal swabs, nasal wash or nasal aspirate samples - Diluent buffer compatible with RSVTOP® - Storage 18 months at 2-30°C
* Mehrwertsteuer und Versandkosten nicht enthalten. Irrtümer und Preisänderungen vorbehalten