Negative control: The reagent is intended as an isotype control to establish the amount of non-specific antibody binding. For your particular experiment, use the same concentration of this control antibody as the recommended working concentration of the
Negative control: The reagent is intended as an isotype control to establish the amount of non-specific antibody binding. For your particular experiment, use the same concentration of this control antibody as the recommended working concentration of the antigen-specific antibody. Also, when working with prediluted antibodies, dilute the isotype control to the same concentration as is the concentration of the antigen-specific antibody in the prediluted antibody solution you are using. If under particular experimental conditions the background signal of the isotype control is too high (usually when working concentrations of used antibodies are above 10 µg/ml of incubation mixture), change the conditions of your experiment to reduce the background.
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