
Artikelnummer: ISC-AM-180
Artikelname: Cys-LL37
Artikelnummer: ISC-AM-180
Hersteller Artikelnummer: AM-180
Alternativnummer: ISC-AM-180
Hersteller: Isca Biochemicals
Kategorie: Biochemikalien
Cys-LL 37 is the host defence peptide LL 37 with an additional N-terminal cysteine attached. This allows immobilization of LL 37 as a novel approach towards endowing material surfaces with bactericidal properties.
Molekulargewicht: 4596.5
NCBI: 2006
Reinheit: >95% by HPLC
Formulierung: Freeze dried solid
Formel: C208H345N61O54S1
Target-Kategorie: Antibacterials
Anwendungsbeschreibung: ProductType: Peptides