Crenatoside, CAS [[61276-16-2]]

Artikelnummer: MCE-HY-N12710
Artikelname: Crenatoside, CAS [[61276-16-2]]
Artikelnummer: MCE-HY-N12710
Hersteller Artikelnummer: HY-N12710
Alternativnummer: MCE-HY-N12710-1MG, MCE-HY-N12710-5MG
Hersteller: MedchemExpress
Kategorie: Biochemikalien
Alternative Synonym: Orobanchoside, Oraposide
Crenatoside is a phenylethanol glycoside compound that can be isolated from the ethyl acetate of the tree extract of T. stans var. stans with EC50 value of 34.78 µM. Crenatoside has anti-Zika virus activity[1].
Molekulargewicht: 622.57
Reinheit: 98
CAS Nummer: [61276-16-2]
Formel: C29H34O15
Target-Kategorie: Flavivirus
Anwendungsbeschreibung: Natural Products