FAK1, Human (Sf9, GST)

Artikelnummer: MCE-HY-P701682
Artikelname: FAK1, Human (Sf9, GST)
Artikelnummer: MCE-HY-P701682
Hersteller Artikelnummer: HY-P701682
Alternativnummer: MCE-HY-P701682-50UG,MCE-HY-P701682-10UG
Hersteller: MedchemExpress
Kategorie: Proteine/Peptide
Alternative Synonym: FAK1 Protein, Human (Sf9, GST),Human,Sf9 insect cells
FAK1 is a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase that coordinates multiple cellular processes. FAK1 Protein, Human (Sf9, GST) is the recombinant human-derived FAK1 protein, expressed by Sf9 insect cells , with N-GST labeled tag. The total length of FAK1 Pro
Molekulargewicht: 145.7KDa
Reinheit: 91.50
Formel: 5747(Gene_ID)Q05397 (M1-H1052)(Accession)
Anwendungsbeschreibung: Recombinant Proteins