Gene Expression in Pichia pastoris: pPICHOLI vectors

Artikelnummer: MOB-PPICH
Artikelname: Gene Expression in Pichia pastoris: pPICHOLI vectors
Artikelnummer: MOB-PPICH
Hersteller Artikelnummer: PPICH
Alternativnummer: MOB-PPICH
Hersteller: MoBiTec
Kategorie: Molekularbiologie
The pPICHOLI Shuttle vector system is a dual expression system with many advantages: Expression with E. coli is simple to handle and allows a cost-effective and high-level production of heterologous proteins. Further, the pPICHOLI vector system is a powerful eukaryotic tool and can be used for expression with P. pastoris.

The pPICHOLI Shuttle vector system is a dual expression system with many advantages: Expression with E. coli is simple to handle and allows a cost-effective and high-level production of heterologous proteins. Further, the pPICHOLI vector system is a powerful eukaryotic tool and can be used for expression with P. pastoris. Here it shows rapid cell growth at high densities combined with high expression rates using the strong AOX or CUP1 promoter, respectively. It is ideally suited for expression of soluble proteins with post-translational modifications and proteins causing problems when expressed in E. coli (e.g., proteins toxic to E. coli). Transformation efficiency is high and recovery of plasmids from P. pastoris is easy to handle.


  • Efficient, cost-effective, and time-saving protein production in either E. coli or P. pastoris
  • Gene products toxic to E. coli may be easily expressed in P. pastoris
  • No further cloning step needed: switch from E. coli expression to P. pastoris expression without changing the vector.
  • Expression with P. pastoris may help to increase the protein yield by avoiding aggregation, denaturation, or formation of inclusion bodies of your protein of interest.
  • Vectors can be used for in vitro transcription/translation of cloned genes
  • Easy, fast, and reproducible purification of recombinant proteins via metal chelate affinity chromatography (His-tag)
  • Detection of recombinant proteins in immunoblotting experiments by commercially available antibodies
  • Biotinylation sequence provided by pPICHOLI-C allows rapid capture and screening assays
  • Production of functional target proteins useful as: (1) biotherapeutics or (2) for studying interactions with other biomolecules or drugs and structure activity relationships or (3) for producing mono- and polyclonal antibodies as well as protein chips
  • Synthesis of proteins for crystallization and NMR analysis
  • Expression of proteins in high-throughput systems