Sheep Gamma Globulin Fraction, Unconjugated

Artikelnummer: ROC-D612-1000
Artikelname: Sheep Gamma Globulin Fraction, Unconjugated
Artikelnummer: ROC-D612-1000
Hersteller Artikelnummer: D612-1000
Alternativnummer: ROC-D612-1000
Hersteller: Rockland Immunochemicals
Kategorie: Proteine/Peptide
Applikation: SDS-PAGE
Konjugation: Unconjugated
Alternative Synonym: Plasma Gamma Globulin, Serum Gamma Globulin, Globulin Fractions, Gammaglobulin, sheep gamma fraction
Konzentration: 1.29 grams of dry weight equals 1.0 gram of protein
Puffer: 0.02 M Potassium Phosphate, 0.15 M Sodium Chloride, pH 7.2
Quelle: Sheep
Formulierung: Lyophilized
Anwendungsbeschreibung: Sheep Gamma Globulin Fraction has been tested by SDS-PAGE and can be utilized in Western Blotting and ELISA experiments.