Bromodomain-containing Protein 4 (BRD4) BioAssay(TM) ELISA Kit (Human)

Artikelnummer: USB-587421
Artikelname: Bromodomain-containing Protein 4 (BRD4) BioAssay(TM) ELISA Kit (Human)
Artikelnummer: USB-587421
Hersteller Artikelnummer: 587421
Alternativnummer: USB-587421-96
Hersteller: US Biological
Kategorie: Kits/Assays
For quantitative detection of BRD4 in human serum, plasma and other biological fluids. Cell lysates and tissue homogenates, though not tested, may potentially be used as samples. Detection Range: 31.25-2000pg/ml Sensitivity: 18.75pg/ml Precision: Intra-A
UniProt: O60885