Avidin DCS, Fluorescein labeled, is a cell sorter grade of Fluorescein Avidin D. Through the development of a new method of fluorescein labeling we are able to incorporate more fluorochrome into a protein without altering the properties of the protein. Not only does the Fluorescein Avidin DCS have an optimal F/P ratio, the efficiency of fluorescence is also increased. In addition to the improved conjugation technique, we employ a purification step to reduce nonspecific binding which can hamper resolution in cell sorting and other applications.
Unit Size
1 mg
Immunofluorescence, In situ hybridization, Flow Cytometry/Cell Separation
Recommended Usage
For staining cells or tissues using fluorescent microscopy, the recommended concentration range is 5-30 µg/ml with incubation times of 15-30 minutes.
10 mM HEPES, 0.5 M NaCl, pH 8.0, 0.08% sodium azide, 10 mg/ml beta-cyclodextrin
Maximum Excitation
495-500 nm
Maximum Emission
514-521 nm
Recommended Storage
2-8 °C
2.0 mg active conjugate/ml
Color of Fluorescence
Fluorescein Avidin DCS
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