TurboLINK Catalyst Buffer is used to catalyze the SoluLINK® bioconjugation reactions, which are based on aromatic hydrazone formation between HyNic-modified biomolecules and 4FB-modified biomolecules. TurboLINK greatly accelerates hydrazone formation — in the presence of TurboLINK Catalyst the conjugation reaction is typically complete in 1-2 hours. The active ingredient, aniline, is delivered at 100 mM concentration in Conjugation Buffer. A final concentration of 5-10 mM aniline in the conjugation reaction is sufficient for hydrazone catalysis. This reagent is particularly useful for conjugation of large biomolecules such as antibodies, oligonucleotides, proteins, enzymes, and surfaces.
Recommended Storage
2° - 8°C – Do Not Freeze
In Situ Proximity Ligation
Other Name(s)
SoluLINK Bioconjugation
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