
Deliveries from UK

Even after the UK's exit from the EU, our supply chains remain secure. All research and diagnostic products from the UK will continue to be available in Germany from BIOZOL as usual.

Because after Brexit, our motto stays: For you, we overcome national borders, customs duties and import regulations. This means that you receive the perfect product for your research, regardless of where it is manufactured.

We offer this service for all manufacturers worldwide, even if they are not official partners of BIOZOL. Thus, you are only one mouse click away from your desired products for your research.


Our premium suppliers from UK:


Neuer Call-to-Action Biorbyt BioServ UK Neuer Call-to-Action
Chromatrap Daresbury Proteins Everest Biotech HelloBio
Jackson ImmunoResearch Europe Jellagen Molecular Dimensions Primerdesign
ProteinArk Qkine Youseq Neuer Call-to-Action



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