Amytracker fluorescent tracers

High-quality visualization of amyloids

One of the main features of Alzheimer's disease is the formation of senile plaques by extracellular deposits of beta-amyloid and intracellular fibrillar deposits in the gray matter of the brain. These are usually detected by light microscopy after silver staining or by immunofluorescence.

Amytracker from our partner Ebba Biotech are fluorescent tracer molecules for high-quality visualization of protein aggregates.

The molecules become vividly colorful – highly fluorescent - when bound to a target in a sample. Targets are amyloids or protein aggregates containing amyloid fibrils and proto-fibrils. Therefore, using Amytracker, you can achieve reliable fluorescent staining of early, pre-fibrillar states of amyloids arising from a variety of amyloidogenic proteins or peptides in tissues from a wide range of species and perform fibrillation assays and spectrophotometric detection of protein aggregates in liquid samples. Amytracker molecules are non-toxic and are readily taken-up when applied to cells in culture. Further, they are photo- and thermostable and allow for easy handling in any application. Ex vivo variants are provided with 1 mg/ml concentration in volumes of 50 µl, 100 µl, 150 µl and 200 µl and as a Mix&Try Kit with 5x10 µl.

Amytracker fluorescent tracer molecules from Ebba Biotech at a glance:


  • volumes of 50 µl, 100 µl, 150 µl and 200 µl and as a Mix&Try Kit with 5x10 µl
  • readily taken up into cells and tissues
  • 1000-fold dilution for staining of tissue sections and 500-fold for live-cell imaging
  • non-toxic
  • photo- and thermostable
  • fast
  • accurate



Available Amytracker from Ebba Biotech


  Art.-No. Product Name Excitation Range Detection Range
Amytracker 480 EBB-A480-* Amytracker 480 405-458 nm 470-550 nm
Amytracker 520 EBB-A520-* Amytracker 520 405-488 nm 500-600 nm
Amytracker 540 EBB-A540-* Amytracker 540 430-500 nm 530-600 nm
Amytracker 630 EBB-A630-* Amytracker 630 458-514 nm 600-650 nm
Amytracker 680 EBB-A680-* Amytracker 680 530-565 nm 600-800 nm
Amytracker Mix&Try on request

Amytracker Mix&Try 

Test Kit for Getting Started



In vivo use of Amytracker fluorescent tracers

Amytracker can also be used for intracerebral multiphoton microscopy, as shown by Calvo-Rodriguez et al., who visualized core plaques in the cerebral tissue and vasculature after intravenous injection of the fluorescent molecule in transgenic mice in vivo. Please, contact us to find out more about Amytracker for in vivo use.


Related topics:

>> Journal Club on biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis

>> Biomarkers for Neuroinflammation

>> Fluorescent Optotracers: Visualize protein aggregates, carbohydrate structures, and bacterial ECM


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