Eco-friendly components for immunoassays

KementecOur partner Kementec is a well-established, innovative, and service oriented company with more than 30 years of experience as a manufacturer and supplier of immunoassay components to the industry and to researchers worldwide. The company’s continuous goal is to deliver sustainable products without compromising on quality, sensitivity and accuracy.


ECO-TEK® - Why we care

Many common components used in ELISAs contain biological and chemical hazards, which were traditionally used to increase assay quality and to prolong assay shelf-life. Considering that the average automated immunoassay analyzer in a clinical lab can run 200 tests per hour while processing samples 24/7, these components can generate a considerable amount of hazardous waste. ELISAs have not traditionally been eco-friendly and several components in this type of assays are usually environmentally harmful.

Kementec’s eco-friendly options for immunoassays are called ECO-TEK®.

ECO-TEK® products are environmentally-friendly components enabling development and production of cost efficient immunoassays without compromising quality, stability and accuracy. Additionally, transport of immunoassay may be done worldwide with less import restrictions and paperwork.

These products offer the highest level of sustainability for manufacturing immunoassays with the following characteristics:

  • Free of BSA – Easing cross border paperwork & improving assay reproducibility
  • Free of NMP or other harmful organic solvents – Reducing regulatory concerns
  • Free of toxic preservatives and hazardous stop solutions – Improving work environments


Kementecs ECO-TEK® Product Range:


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