Rapid and reliable custom tetramer generation for T cell staining

Live webinar from MBL

MBL is a leading life science company focused on providing high quality, innovative, solutions-based products for both life science research and clinical diagnostics.

Join MBL's live webinar on custom tetramer generation for T cell staining.


MBL International Corporation

Webinar: Rapid and reliable custom tetramer generation for T cell staining

The use of MHC tetramers to identify antigen-specific T cells has become widespread among immunologists since the late 90s. Tetramers have become so ubiquitous that many companies and research facilities can ship and deliver some of the most commonly used tetramers within a matter of days. However, when it comes to the uncommon tetramers or tetramers with antigenic peptides that have only recently been identified, it may be quite a challenge to find the needed tetramer. In this case, most researchers are left with trying to produce their own tetramer or having another facility do it for them, which can become a lengthy process. In an effort to help those researchers, MBL International has developed the QuickSwitch™ MHC tetramer. This MHC tetramer comes loaded with a place-holder peptide (or exiting peptide) that can be exchanged for the most well-binding peptides of a given MHC allele. This way, researchers are able to make a tetramer with any peptide they have available in a matter of hours. More importantly, the MHC tetramer platform comes with a means to monitor how much of the available peptide has exchanged with the exiting peptide and quantify the MHC occupancy. This allows the user to not only determine if the peptide in question can make a viable MHC tetramer but also identify the strong and weak binding peptides for that MHC allele. This piece of information can be invaluable in future studies, in particular for vaccine development.


  • MHC tetramers are essential for identifying specialized T-cells, but finding the right tetramer can be time-consuming. QuickSwitch™ MHC tetramer shortens the process to just hours.
  • QuickSwitch™ features a “placeholder” tetramer that can be tailored with different peptides, enabling the precise customization of unique tetramers quickly.
  • QuickSwitch™ also measures the stability of MHC complexes, which holds promise for steering vaccine development toward targeted solutions.


Speaker: Dr. Yuri Poluektov, Ph.D., R&D Laboratory Scientist at the MBL International Corporation

Date and Time: Wednesday, October 4, 2023, 5:00 PM (CEST)

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