Cell Culture Cusabio's Animal Free Cytokines

Our partner Cusabio provides a range of animal free cytokines covering most of the factors commonly used in cell culture. Feature of the Cusabio Animal Free Cytokines: 1. Animal Free Without animal-derived pathogens in the culture system, it is the best choice to clinical cell culture. Without xenogeneic rejection and allergic reactions, it is more suitable for in vivo experiments. Without the interference of animal proteins and hormones, the experi...

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Cancer Research BIOZOL at the Frankfurter Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder

As one of his first jobs as BIOZOL's new Managing Director, Jonas Bäuerle, together with Michael Hanauske from our Scientific Support team, visited the Frankfurter Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder and handed over the revenue of our christmas fundraising. It was exciting for them to meet founder member Helga von Haselberg and chairman Dr. Jürgen Vogt from the foundation personally, and learn more about the important work they are doing in cancer research. Thanks again to all our customers who helped us raise this money! ...

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Scientific Content Webinars and Courses

BIOZOL is your source for research reagents and diagnostics from manufacturers around the world. We can provide you with everything you need for your research at the best conditions, and our trained and experienced staff are always happy to help you make the right choice. But we have much more to offer you, and that is why we are currently building up our Scientific Content area as a source of knowledge about the research areas and technical methods we serve with our products. For example, are you already familiar with our new webinar area?...

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New partner: AddexBio Quality products for cell culture

AddexBio, located in San Diego, USA, is focused on quality cell lines, cell line services and cell culture reagents.In addition to their cell lines and cell line services, AddexBio provides you with biotinylated reagents, chemical building blocks, fluorescent labeled peptides, heterobifunctional linkers, molecular probes, and other innovative tools for biological and pharmaceutical research. We are happy to welcome AddexBio to our BIOZOL family of quality suppliers for scientific research.   Further info...

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Meet BIOZOL Conferences and Shows 2020

Again in 2020, BIOZOL will attend a whole bunch of interesting scientific conferences and shows all over Germany. Use the opportunity to meet our scientific support team personally. We are looking forward to meeting you at the BIOZOL booth. Planned conferences 2020: 22nd Bamberg Morphology Days 24.-26. January 2020 Bamberg, Germany Interact 2020

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A good start into 2020 Result of our XMAS fundraising

Cancer is the second most common death cause in the western industrial nations. Also in pediatrics, tumours play an important role. The Frankfurter Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder does research on causes and treatment of this disease, with the aim to ameliorate the chances of children and teens suffering from cancer: an aim, which we want to support. As a special christmas promotion in 2019, we therefor decided to donate 2 € for each arti...

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New partner: MP Biomedicals Quality tools for life sciences

We are pleased to announce our collaboration with MP Biomedicals. MP Biomedicals is a worldwide corporation manufacturing and distributing products for the life science market. They are dedicated to providing research and industrial communities innovative, quality tools to aid them in their quest for scientific excellence. Their portfolio includes biochemicals as well as antibodies and reagents for immunology, molecular biology, and cell biology. Further information: -

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New partner: Biotium Mix-n-Stain™ Antibody Labeling

Our new partner Biotium's highly experienced chemists and biologists are passionate about developing novel fluorescent dyes and products to drive breakthroughs in life science and medical research. With Mix-n-Stain™ they provide fast and easy kits for rapid labeling of antibodies, proteins, and small ligands.

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Neuroinflammation GeneTex antibodies

Neuroinflammation occurs within the central nervous system (CNS) as a result of infection, injury, autoimmune processes, or toxicity. Microglia, as the specialized resident macrophage cells in the CNS, play crucial roles in both the initiation and resolution of neuroinflammation. However, their impact on neurons is complex. Microglia demonstrate a phenotypic plasticity that is directly influenced by the regional brain microenvironment. Thus, the M1/M2 dichotomy labeling used to describe other macrophage activity is inadequate to reflect the true heter...

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Scientific Content Bioinformatics Tools

With our constantly growing scientific content section, we want to help your research not only with high-quality biopharmaceutical products, but also with newsworthy scientific information and methods. Bioinformatics tools support your research in terms of the design of primers, sequence search, and sequence alignment, or in the evaluation of NGS data, to name just a few examples. Our partner companies have outstanding expertise in their respective product areas and some of...

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