Driving Neuroscience Research
BrainXell provides a range of high-purity, iPSC-derived human neurons and glia for research and development. BrainXell products are based on proprietary technology for directed differentiation of human stem cells (including induced pluripotent stem cells) to highly enriched subclasses of neural progenitors, expansion of committed neural progenitors to large quantities, and rapid maturation to functional neurons and glia. BrainXell's mission is to bring researchers the most relevant neuronal cell models.
Product Range:
- Neurons and glia cells:
- Spinal Motor Neurons
- Layer V Glutamatergic Neurons
- Midbrain Dopaminergic Neurons
- Cortical GABAergic Neurons
- Cortical Glutamatergic Neurons
- Microglia
- Mixed Cortical Neurons
- Medium Spiny Neurons
- Cortical Astrocytes
- Spinal Astrocytes
- BrainFast Neuronal Maturation Supplement
Assay Biotechnology
Modified Antibodies and ELISA Kits
Mastermixes and Kits for Life Science Research and Molecular Diagnostics
Pricella Biotechnolo...
Cell Culture Media and Reagents
Bioworld Technology
Over 15,000 highly purified monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
Oasis Diagnostics
Saliva Collection Tools