Innovation for chromatography fluid path applications
Diba products offer both innovation and functionality to your chromatography fluid path applications, which are critical to your system’s performance but often overlooked. We offer a wide range of Diba standard components including fittings, connectors and adapters, Click-N-Seal® fittings, Omnifit labware glass chromatography columns, Omni-Lok™ fittings and ferrules, Dibafit™ grippers, and MicroBarb® insert barbs to meet your fluid handling applications for chromatography.
Mastermixes and Kits for Life Science Research and Molecular Diagnostics
Pricella Biotechnolo...
Cell Culture Media and Reagents
Bioworld Technology
Over 15,000 highly purified monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
Oasis Diagnostics
Saliva Collection Tools
Gamma Proteins UK
High quality recombinant Fc receptors