Medical Device Technology
MedSchenker® is a market leader in manufacturing and distributing advanced medical equipment. Founded in 2001, MedSchenker® mission is to bring innovative and top of the line medical solutions and equipment to the market while maintaining a strong connection to the industry.
Product Range:
- Sample Collection and Transport Devices
- Collection Systems
- Sterile CavSwabs
- Lab Supplies: cryogenic vials, extraction tubes, and collection kits
- MedSchenker® Autostainer
Assay Biotechnology
Modified Antibodies and ELISA Kits
Mastermixes and Kits for Life Science Research and Molecular Diagnostics
Pricella Biotechnolo...
Cell Culture Media and Reagents
Bioworld Technology
Over 15,000 highly purified monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
Oasis Diagnostics
Saliva Collection Tools