Recombinant monoclonal antibodies
RevMAb Biosciences USA is a biotechnology company focused on the development of recombinant monoclonal antibodies using a revolutionary technology that does not require cell fusion and hybridoma generation. The recombinant antibodies are developed from a broad range of antigen-specific B cells that are inaccessible to traditional hybridoma technology. This revolutionary method has successfully been applied to develop high quality recombinant rabbit and goat monoclonal antibodies.
Product Range:
- anti-Histone antibodies / Histone modifications
- Mutation specific antibodies against Histone mutations and other point mutations of other proteins
- Mutations specific antibodies for Immunohistochemistry / IHC
- Antibodies for immunohistochemistry
- Pan-Protein modification antibodies
- Secondary antibodies
- Matched pair antibodies for the detection of human Ig classes and IgG Subclasses
Assay Biotechnology
Modified Antibodies and ELISA Kits
Mastermixes and Kits for Life Science Research and Molecular Diagnostics
Pricella Biotechnolo...
Cell Culture Media and Reagents
Bioworld Technology
Over 15,000 highly purified monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies
Oasis Diagnostics
Saliva Collection Tools