SP2 for HANABI P1&P2P, Autofixative mixer accessory w/Reagent Empty Sensors

Catalog Number: ADS-LUP152
Article Name: SP2 for HANABI P1&P2P, Autofixative mixer accessory w/Reagent Empty Sensors
Biozol Catalog Number: ADS-LUP152
Supplier Catalog Number: LUP152
Alternative Catalog Number: ADS-LUP152
Manufacturer: ADS Biotec Ltd
Category: Sonstiges
Fixative Mixer Accessory Kit for HANABI P1 & P2P systems. Includes hardware and firmware upgrades to the standard model to add automated fixative mixing capability from Methanol and Acetic Acid. Mixed in user-defined ratios (typically 3 to 1). Includes r