Fluo-2 K+ Salt - Green fluorescent calcium indicator

Catalog Number: ION-1022E
Article Name: Fluo-2 K+ Salt - Green fluorescent calcium indicator
Biozol Catalog Number: ION-1022E
Supplier Catalog Number: 1022E
Alternative Catalog Number: ION-1022E
Manufacturer: ION Biosciences
Category: Sonstiges
Alternative Names: Fluo-2 High Affinity, Fluo-2 HA
High-affinity calcium indicator, membrane impermeable. Compatible with flow cytometry, plate reader, and fluorescence microscopy assays. Also known as Fluo-2 High Affinity, Fluo-2 HA. Excitation: 490 nm | Emission: 515 nm | Kd: 290 nM | Purity: >95% Fluo