NIST 2031 Compliant UV-VIS Photometric Accuracy FUV Kit (FUV-0.04, FUV-0.5, FUV-1, Blank Holder)

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  • Applications: 0
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Kits/Assays
Size: 1 Unit
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NIST 2930- VIS Photometric Neutral Density Kit (HF-3, HF-2.5, HF-0.04, Blank Holder)

  • Images: 0
  • Applications: 0
Biozol Catalog Number: FLY-FF-NIST-2930(5CALIBRATIONPOINTS)
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Kits/Assays
Size: 1 Unit
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NIST 930e- VIS Photometric Accuracy Neutral Density Kit (HF-1, HF-0.7, HF-0.5, Blank Holder)

  • Images: 0
  • Applications: 0
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Kits/Assays
Size: 1 Unit
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Type P65D (Double Cuvette Washer)

  • Images: 0
  • Applications: 0
Biozol Catalog Number: FLY-FF-P65D
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Sonstiges
Size: 1 Unit
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P65D Kit- Full Double Cuvette Washer Kit (Includes double cuvette washer head, filtering flask and tubing)

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  • Applications: 0
Biozol Catalog Number: FLY-FF-P65DKIT
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Kits/Assays
Size: 1 Unit
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P65D Kit with Pump- Full Double Cuvette Washer Kit (Includes double cuvette washer head, filtering flask, vacuum pump and tubing)

  • Images: 0
  • Applications: 0
Biozol Catalog Number: FLY-FF-P65DKITWITHPUMP
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Kits/Assays
Size: 1 Unit
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Type P65M (Mega Cuvette Washer)

  • Images: 0
  • Applications: 0
Biozol Catalog Number: FLY-FF-P65M
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Sonstiges
Size: 1 Unit
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Type P65S (Single Cuvette Washer)

  • Images: 0
  • Applications: 0
Biozol Catalog Number: FLY-FF-P65S
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Sonstiges
Size: 1 Unit
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P65S Kit- Full Single Cuvette Washer Kit (Includes single cuvette washer head, filtering flask and tubing)

  • Images: 0
  • Applications: 0
Biozol Catalog Number: FLY-FF-P65SKIT
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Kits/Assays
Size: 1 Unit
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P65S Kit with Pump- Full Single Cuvette Washer Kit (Includes single cuvette washer head, filtering flask, vacuum pump and tubing)

  • Images: 0
  • Applications: 0
Biozol Catalog Number: FLY-FF-P65SKITWITHPUMP
Manufacturer: Firefly
Application: -
Category: Kits/Assays
Size: 1 Unit
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