
Progranulin mediates immune evasion of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinom... Nature Communications, 2022

Abstract Immune evasion is indispensable for cancer initiation and progression, although its underlying mechanisms in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) are not fully known. Here, we characterize the function of tumor-derived PGRN in promoting immune evasion in primary PDAC. Tumor- but not macrophage-derived PGRN is associated with poor overall survival in PDAC. Multiplex immunohistochemistry shows low MHC class I (MHCI) expression and lack of CD8+ T cell infiltration in PGRN-high tumors. Inhibition of PGRN abrogates autophagy-depende...

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The IL-8–Regulated Chemokine Receptor CXCR7 Stimulates EGFR Signaling... Cancer Research, 2011

Abstract The proinflammatory chemokine receptor CXCR7 that binds the ligands CXCL11 and CXCL12 (SDF-1a) is elevated in a variety of human cancers, but its functions are not understood as it does not elicit classical chemokine receptor signaling. Here we report that the procancerous cytokine IL-8 (interleukin-8) upregulates CXCR7 expression along with ligand-independent functions of CXCR7 that promote the growth and proliferation of human prostate cancer cells (CaP cells). In cell culture, ectopic expression or addition of IL-8 selectively...

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A hybrid open-top light-sheet microscope for versatile multi-scale ima... Nature Methods, 2021

Abstract Light-sheet microscopy has emerged as the preferred means for high-throughput volumetric imaging of cleared tissues. However, there is a need for a flexible system that can address imaging applications with varied requirements in terms of resolution, sample size, tissue-clearing protocol, and transparent sample-holder material. Here, we present a ‘hybrid’ system that combines a unique non-orthogonal dual-objective and conventional (orthogonal) open-top light-sheet (OTLS) architecture for versatile multi-scale volumetri...

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Z-form extracellular DNA is a structural component of the bacterial bi... Cell, 2021

Abstract Biofilms are community architectures adopted by bacteria inclusive of a self-formed extracellular matrix that protects resident bacteria from diverse environmental stresses and, in many species, incorporates extracellular DNA (eDNA) and DNABII proteins for structural integrity throughout biofilm development. Here, we present evidence that this eDNA-based architecture relies on the rare Z-form. Z-form DNA accumulates as biofilms mature and, through stabilization by the DNABII proteins, confers structural integrity to the biofilm ma...

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Extracellular ATP is increased by release of ATP-loaded microparticles... Theranostics, 2022

Abstract Rationale: Caloric restriction improves the efficacy of anti-cancer therapy. This effect is largely dependent on the increase of the extracellular ATP concentration in the tumor microenvironment (TME). Pathways for ATP release triggered by nutrient deprivation are largely unknown. Methods: The extracellular ATP (eATP) concentration was in vivo measured in the tumor microenvironment of B16F10-inoculated C57Bl/6 mice with the pmeLuc probe. Alternatively, the pmeLuc-...

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Use of Carbotrace 480 as a Probe for Cellulose and Hydrogel Formation... Gels, 2022

Abstract Carbotrace 480 is a commercially available fluorescent optotracer that specifically binds to cellulose’s glycosidic linkages. Herein, the use of Carbotrace 480 is reported as an analytical tool for linking cellulose content to hydrogel formation capability in defibrillated celluloses obtained from proprietary microalgae. Defibrillated celluloses obtained from acid-free hydrothermal microwave...

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Cross-linking of T cell to B cell lymphoma by the T cell bispecific an... PLoS One, 2021

Abstract Heart failure (HF) is associated in humans and mice with increased circulating levels of CXCL9 and CXCL10, chemokine ligands of the CXCR3 receptor, predominantly expressed on CD4+ Th1 cells. Chemokine engagement of receptors is required for T cell integrin activation and recruitment to sites of inflammation. Th1 cells drive adverse cardiac remodeling in pressure overload–induced cardiac dysfunction, and mice lacking the integrin ligand ICAM-1 show defective T cell recruitment to the heart. Here, we show that CXCR3+ T cells i...

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A Dual Role for SOX10 in the Maintenance of the Postnatal Melanocyte L... PLOS GENETICS, 2013

Abstract During embryogenesis, the transcription factor, Sox10, drives the survival and differentiation of the melanocyte lineage. However, the role that Sox10 plays in postnatal melanocytes is not established. We show in vivo that melanocyte stem cells (McSCs) and more differentiated melanocytes express SOX10 but that McSCs remain undifferentiated. Sox10 knockout (Sox10fl; Tg(Tyr::CreER)) results in loss of both McSCs and differentiated melanocytes, while overexpression of Sox10 (Tg(DctSox1...

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Deprenyl reduces inflammation during acute SIV infection Cell Press, 2022

Abstract In the era of antiretroviral therapy, inflammation is a central factor in numerous HIV-associated comorbidities, such as cardiovascular disease, cognitive impair- ment, and neuropsychiatric disorders. This highlights the value of developing therapeutics that both reduce HIV-associated inflammation and treat associated comorbidities. Previous research on monoamine oxi...

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Synthesis of Spherical Nanoparticle Hybrids via Aerosol Thiol-Ene Phot... nanomaterials, 2022

Abstract Hybrid nanomaterials possess the properties of both organic and inorganic components and find applications in various fields of research and technology. In this study, aerosol photopolymerization is used in combination with thiol-ene chemistry to produce silver poly(thio-ether) hybrid nanospheres. In aerosol photopolymerization, a spray solution of monomers is atomized, forming a droplet aerosol, which then polymerizes, producing spherical polymer nanoparticles. To produce silver poly(thio-ether) hybrids, silver nanoparticles were...

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